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Learning with A&T Online
What Does the Online Classroom Look Like?
A&T Online employs multiple instructional strategies, best practices, and the latest technology tools to deliver high-quality learning materials and activities that are available anytime and any place. Using Blackboard, the world's leading learning management system, our online courses deliver lectures, learning activities, assignments, online assessments, and other interactive features that promote collaboration and enhance communication between instructors and classmates.
Our courses are designed and developed in partnership with faculty and instructional designers to ensure a learning experience that is tailored to the expected learning outcomes for your particular course. We approach the online course development process very seriously, so that our online courses mirror the same quality content as offered in traditional classrooms. Each course can look different, depending on the subject, perspective, and course level, but its organization and structure will be similar to other online courses.

Online Collaboration and Technology
You have several options as an A&T Online student for participating in class, submitting assignments, and interacting with classmates and the instructor.
How do I submit assignments or take exams?
Your assignments are submitted electronically through your online classroom environment — just like you would turn them in to your professor on campus.
A&T Online students have access to the Microsoft Office 365 academic suite that includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Drive, Sites, OneNote, and other applications. Assignments may be submitted in any of these formats or in PDF, or multi-media formats, depending on the course, instructor, and requirements.
Exams may be offered as downloadable Word documents, or may be offered directly through Blackboard, or publisher-provided content sites. Either way, all work is channeled through Blackboard, so it is always tracked and securely stored in the cloud.
How do I interact with the instructor and my classmates?
In addition to campus email, phone, chat and standard social media, Blackboard offers built-in tools that consolidate course communications, so you’ll have multiple communication paths.
We strive to provide a variety of mainstream technologies for easy interaction with other students and your instructor and continue to use these same tools in your workplace. Some of these tools include Skype for Business, Collaborate, Email, Discussion Boards, Blogs, or Journals.
We try to make our courses as easy as possible to access technically while still maintaining a quality online experience.
What kind of technology do I need?
You’ll need a PC or Mac computer that is capable of opening web-based applications and playing videos. Your computer should also have a microphone and video capabilities (either built-in or add-on). In addition, you’ll need access to the Internet. Most students use a notebook computer, but desktop versions or tablets will work for most courses. Increasingly, smart phones are being used for course communications and participation.

Time and Convenience
Students enrolled in A&T Online undergraduate courses have reported spending approximately 8 to 12 hours per week on readings and assignments for a 3-credit course. Plan to spend extra time when you have papers, projects, or exams. Graduate-level courses will likely require more time per week.
How Flexible is the Course Schedule?

The Aggie Experience
Being an A&T Online student is more than simply taking courses. Whether you’re located around the world or around the corner, you will have the opportunity to participate in some of North Carolina A&T State University's most popular traditions, develop your leadership skills, and connect with fellow N.C. A&T Aggies outside the classroom.
In addition, you can get to know fellow A&T Aggies by connecting with us in our online communities:
And, of course, in the fall you can tune in to an A&T Aggie football game and cheer along with thousands of your closest A&T Aggie friends.