Faculty Resources
Extended Campus (EC), Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), and Instructional Technology Training and Development (ITTD)
North Carolina A&T State University provides the tools and resources you need to develop and deliver your distance education courses and degree programs. Here you will have access to a broad range of faculty services offered by the Extended Campus (EC), in cooperation with the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Instructional Technology Training and Development (ITTD), and other University support service areas. Experienced experts actively support online instruction and technologies for new and experienced online faculty. Through workshops, learning communities, consultations with groups, and individuals, these dedicated teams work with full and part-time faculty to enhance skills, introduce online teaching strategies, and leverage the best instructional technologies to enhance online learning.
Extended Campus (EC)
The Extended Campus (EC) manages N.C. A&T's distance education and extended learning programs, including distance education program development, distance education course approval and scheduling, registration, and administration. Faculty who wish to teach, develop, or redesign an online course must apply through their Department Chair. The Department Chair submits the request to the Extended Campus to ensure policy alignment with NC A&T University, UNC General Administration, SASCOC, and other accrediting organizations. The Extended Campus coordinates the schedule of online courses offered each semester and assists with distance education student withdrawals when needed. Below are the distance education services offered by the EC.
Establishing Distance Education Certificate and Degree Programs, Teaching, Developing, or Redesigning an Online Course
- Collaborate with the Offices of the Provost, Strategic Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness (OSPIE) and administrators and faculty members in the University colleges to establish and deliver distance education certificate and degree programs. A new distance education certificate or degree program can be suggested by any faculty member or group of faculty.
- Collaborate with Instructional Technology Training and Development, the Center for Teaching Excellence and the academic departments to develop, redesign, and deliver online courses.
To inquire about establishing a distance education certificate or degree program, or teaching, developing, or redesigning an online course, please contact the Extended Campus at extendedcampus@ncat.edu.
Distance Education Faculty Development Certificate
- A&T is dedicated to the continual enhancement of online instruction. By studying best practices in online teaching, and using the Quality Matters online course development standards, the Distance Education Faculty Development Certificatee is designed to introduce faculty to teaching online. The certificate renquires completion of both the New Online Faculty Orientation and the Online Teaching (ITTD O-700) Courses:
- Online Teaching Excellence Program (OTEP) - This course module is in the Faculty Commons, which is on Blackboard. (Access information for the Faculty Commons is here.)
- Online Teaching Course (ITTD O - 700) – This 8-week, 40-hour online course addresses best practices, skills, and competencies for teaching online. Various instructional applications and strategies are integrated into the course.
Student Assistance with Registration and Withdrawal from Distance Education Courses
- Assistance for distance education students with registration and withdrawal from distance education courses
For student assistance with registering or withdrawing from distance education courses, please contact Thomas Wide (online@ncat.edu or 336-285-3798).
Student Online Learning Orientation, the Online Learner Support Commons, and Online Learning Check-In
- Student Online Learning Orientation - This orientation will walk students through strategies and tools known to help learners thrive in online environments. All students taking online classes are encouraged to complete the orientation.
- All students should be automatically enrolled in the Student Online Learning Orientation. If you find you are not enrolled for some reason, you can self-enroll by following these instructions.
- Online Learner Support Commons - This virtual Blackboard global community is designed to support online students on their academic journey by encouraging dreams, nurturing growth, and promoting achievement. Students may self-enroll using these instructions.
- Online Learning Check-In - Online students may join rich exchanges of success tips and resources weekly on Thursdays at noon. Students may participate by using either of the following options.
- Option 1: Log into the Online Learner Support Commons and click the Collaboration Space web conference link.
- Option 2: Log onto https://bit.ly/NCATOnlineCheckIn.
- Faculty should encourage students to participate and take advantage of the available resources.
For assistance with enrolling online students in the Student Online Learning Orientation, the Online Learner Support Commons, and joining an Online Learning Check-In, please contact Thomas Wade (online@ncat.edu or 336-285-3798).
Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE)
The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) offers a plethora of services and programs designed to enhance the teaching skills of faculty at N.C. A&T. Below is a list of what the CTE offers.
CTE Services
- Weekly Workshops
- Consultations
- New Faculty Orientations
- Book Clubs
- Guest Speaker Events
- Digital Badge Program
- Online Teaching Weekly Check-Ins
- Digital Learning Faculty Fellows Program
For more information about CTE services, please contact Audrey Dentith, Ph.D. (amdentith@ncat.edu or (336) 285-3043).
Instructional Technology Training and Development (ITTD)
Instructional Technology Training and Development (ITTD) offers experienced experts who actively support traditional and online instruction and technologies for new and experienced faculty. Through workshops, learning communities, consultations with groups, and individuals, our dedicated team works with full and part-time faculty to enhance technical skills, introduce online teaching strategies, and leverage the best instructional technologies to enhance traditional and online learning. Below are some of the services that ITTD provides.
Instructional Design Services
- Train faculty on the implementation and effective uses of teaching and learning technologies
- Assist faculty with course design, development, and delivery
- Assist with the conversion of traditional instructional materials for delivery in an online environment
- Collaborate with faculty on development standards, quality metrics, and course evaluation criteria
- Assist faculty to apply Quality Matters standards to course development to enhance online instruction
Request instructional design services by contacting David Whitehead (dfwhitehead@ncat.edu or 336-285-4488).
Course Building
Our experienced instructional designers are available from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 pm Monday-Friday year-round to assist with course planning and development. Appointments and walk-in services are offered in the Faculty Resource Center, located in Suite 206 at 1020 E. Wendover Avenue.Our services include:
- Review and develop measurable learning objectives
- Implement best practices in student/content/instructor interactions
- Organize and place content and course materials in Blackboard
- Edit and format current course content into units or modules
- Create a standardized template for your department or program
- Develop or convert PowerPoint presentations
- Create PDFs from Word, PowerPoint, or other sources
- Integrate your instructional methods with publisher content
- Construct test pools, test blocks, and surveys
- Review your course for alignment with Quality Matters Standards
- Develop a course Schedule or Calendar
- Develop rubrics and build them into Blackboard for assessment
- Create and edit video and audio clips for introduction and lectures
- Embed video for streaming placement in Blackboard
- Use a variety of applications for course building
- Provide feedback from both instructor and student perspectives
Instructional Technology Workshops
ITTD offers 2-3 hour workshops for faculty and staff on how to use Blackboard, the University’s Learning Management System, and related technology tools such as SoftChalk, Respondus, SafeAssign, iClickers, and e-Portfolio applications. Workshops are offered in each session or semester year-round. Graduate Assistants may attend these workshops with the permission of the faculty or staff supervisor.
- Introduction to Blackboard (also offered online)
- Blackboard Collaborate for online class sessions and web conferencing (also offered fully online)
- Using the Blackboard assignments, tests, and grade center
- Using small group activities in online instruction
- Using Safeassign to encourage appropriate citation and prevent plagiarism
- Using Discussion Board forums for maximum participation
- Using rich media to engage students online
- Creating interactive online lessons and activities with SoftChalk
- Using video, audio, and text to provide constant, dynamic feedback
- Developing e-Portfolios to assess student learning
- Introduction to Quality Matters course development standards (also offered online)
To view the current schedule of workshops or to register, please go to https://ncat.neolms.com/. Faculty and staff must have an active N.C. A&T email address and password to register.
Technology Training
LEARN your way with Technology Training. We empower Faculty, Staff, and Students with enriching workshops, online training resources, and custom training for your team.
Training topics include:
- Microsoft Office (including Office 365, Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher)
- Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign)
- Design
- Video recording/editing
- Social Media
- Presentations
Contact: 336-285-4493 or training@ncat.edu.
To view the current schedule of workshops or register, please go to learn.ncat.edu.
Meet the ITTD Staff.